Created a Black character and completed the game on Mastermind Difficulty
Found all Yaoi art pieces
Used every available toilet in South Park and achieved the highest mastery level for each
Wore costume pieces from 3 different sets at once
Picked a fight with Morgan Freeman and defeated him
Unlocked all combat TimeFarts
Survived the farts of future past
Defeated Mutant Cousin Kyle
Equipped powers from 4 different classes
Acquired and unlocked all Summons
Reached the highest economic value on your Character Sheet
Put a stop to racism in South Park
Used all Allies' Ultimate powers once during the game, except the Coon
Obtained and equipped Artifacts to reach 600 Might
Collected all the loot in the Homeless Camp at SoDoSoPa
Confused or charmed an enemy into defeating another enemy
Earned the highest rank on 5 Character Sheet Titles, or 4 while having the highest Economic Level
Successfully Fartkour'd to the Lofts at SoDoSoPa rooftop and back down again
Foiled the plans of Professor Chaos
Won while 3 Allies were downed at the end of combat
Crafted an Artifact with a Might value of 75 or more
Used TimeFart Glitch to cause a status-effected enemy to lose their turn and die at turn's end
Won a combat by using TimeFart Pause to kill all remaining enemies at once before time resumed
Reached the highest rank on 1 title in your Character Sheet
Used a Summon
Defended a helpless child from a drunk lunatic
Crafted 10 distinct recipes
Found 10 costume pieces
Equipped powers from 2 different classes
Kept an Ally alive for an entire combat while they took twice their max Health in damage
Crafted a macaroni picture for Moses
Killed an enemy by knocking another enemy into them
Looted 100 Biohazard items
Became mutual followers with 10 people in South Park
Used a toilet and achieved the highest mastery level